Spanish metal band Abductum has founded by guitarist Noel Puente.It all started in the end of 2010 with the help of two friends and great musician Francisco Molero and Mario Jimenez from others old common local band.After only a few practices and rehearsals, the band is coming up with some impressive metarial.Their music is built upon old influences of the most pure thrash-heavy metal sounds.
In 2011 the vocalist Javi Puente (Noel's brother) joined the band then make the first demo with two tracks published on the net.Demo was given excellent and outstanding reactions.
Lyrics contemplated universal themes of arcane mysteries, extraterrestrial.ecology,etc. After live show debut and frequent club gigs (playing with others known well bands like Brazilians VIOLATOR, Croatian WARHEAD and others renowned Spanish band too) the band entered Granada MusicProject studio in summer of 2012 to record their first autoedited full-length "The Unrevealed Truth" available now! All the work illustration and the awesome album cover artwork created by his guitarist Noel Puente.
By the time the next band plans is just to promote their new album everywhere and of course always looking to the future with maximum energy and optimism !
Javier Puente - Vocal
Noel Puente - Guitar
Francisco Molero(Kiski) - Bass
Mario Jimenez - Drum