The band was created by Armagedon and Astaroth in 2007, since then they worked on the material which was supposed to be published the next year, however, those plans were abandoned because of the argument between the creators of Suffering and the ex-drummer.The musical differences stopped the project until 2010. In 2011 the band starded rehearsing with the new drummer, Azmodan. In february 2012 Armagedon and Astaroth decided to record two of the 9 compositions they had created and thus release the first demo, which is supposed to appear in april 2012.In June and July, during full moons, the band recorded "Chaosatanas". At the time being, the band is preparing for the tour and recording a LP. Suffering describes their music as Ritual Black Metal, with lyrics rooted in occultism, hedonism, nihilism and masochism, with strong anti-christian message. The band is heavily influenced byAustin Osman Spare, Peter J. Caroll, Aleister Crowley and Andrew Chumbley.
Mort Productions(Poland)
Morbid Shrine Productions(Spain)
Magma Pure Underground Distribution(Italy)